Vendor Registration OPEN for Desoto Holiday Shopping Market

Event Vendor Terms and Conditions

These are the standard terms of Client Business of Show Me PR dba Show Me Productions, of 9729 Harold Dr, St. Louis MO 63134, and all work undertaken by Show Me PR shall be on these terms unless specifically varied in writing and agreed to by both parties prior to the event.

  1. Event Booking Details
    • 1.1 All bookings will be regarded as provisional until a signed copy of these Terms & Conditions has been received from the client, along with a non-refundable payment for the required services (as set out in Clause 2.4 below), and only if accepted by Show Me PR will the booking be confirmed. Show Me PR is not under any obligation to continue holding provisional bookings beyond the given option date (usually 10 working days from the time of booking), if these have not been received. For the purposes of this Agreement “working days” shall mean Monday to Friday inclusive.
    • 1.2 Show Me PR reserves the right to refuse vendor bookings to any individual or any organization at their sole discretion.
    • 1.3 Direct Sales or Multi-Level Marketing – Only one representative per direct sales organization may be a vendor at each event hosted by Show Me PR.
    • 1.4 Vendor Bookings may not be transferred to another organization without express written approval from Show Me PR.
    • 1.5 Vendors shall not assume exclusivity in business type, product type, or service type at each event unless expressly stated in writing by Show Me PR.
    • 1.6 Any furnishings provided by Show Me PR or its partners are to be returned to the provider in the condition in which it was provided at the end of the event.
    • 1.7 Access to electrical outlets during each event is not guaranteed to the Event Vendor unless stated by Show Me PR or contracted with either Show Me PR or the electrical provider.
    • 1.8 Venue Policy and Fire Marshall declaration determines if and when pop-up canopies, vehicles, and complex structures are permitted within an event. Event coordinators will provide Vendors with the policy related to events booked.
  2. Price & Payment
    • 2.1 All prices quoted by Show Me PR may be amended when agreed with the Client and the Client will reasonably consider any errors or omissions or where an increase is caused by a change in the circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Show Me PR.
    • 2.2 Any query arising from an invoice must be notified to Show Me PR in writing by the Client within 10 working days of the date of the invoice receipt.
    • 2.3 It is strictly the responsibility of the representative of the Client confirming the booking to inform all relevant parties of the payment terms, as set out by Show Me PR.
    • 2.4 Payment – A payment of 100% of the total fee payable, as quoted and agreed in the written proposal (attached), of any event or program shall be payable on confirmation of the order. Of the payment total, 50% will be considered the “deposit,” which may be refundable in accordance with the Cancellation Clause (see Clause 3.2).
    • 2.5 Additional Expenses – any additional expenses or fees resulting from any changes made by the Client, that have not been quoted in the agreed proposal but subsequently incurred by Show Me PR, will be invoiced separately after the event. Payment will be due within 5 working days of presentation, any queries thereon raised within 3 working days of presentation and payment shall be made in accordance with Clause 2.7. Show Me PR will agree any additional expenses or fees with the client prior to these being incurred.
    • 2.6 Methods of Payment:
      • Credit/Debit Card
      • Bank Transfer (ACH)
      • Cash
      • Business Check (no personal checks)
  3. Cancellation
    • 3.1 This clause applies to the following: where the client cancels their event participation.
    • 3.2 Should a vendor booking be cancelled, a refund is due to the client in the amount of 50% of the booking fee only in the case that the cancellation is made at least 90 days prior to the booked event start day. In the case that a cancellation is made within 90 days of the booked event start day, no refund is due to the client.
    • 3.3 All cancellations must be received in writing (preferably by email) from the client and will be deemed to take effect from the date of receipt.
    • 3.4 Show Me PR reserves the right to cancel the client’s booking if there has been a violation of the Terms and Conditions or at the discretion of Show Me PR. Written notification will be sent to the client.
  4. Liability
    On some events, the activities that the Clients will undertake may be inherently dangerous although all guests are fully supervised throughout. As such neither Show Me PR or its employees or agents shall be liable for any damage, loss, delay or expenses caused to the client, its employees, agents, licensees or invitees or any other persons attending the event except insofar as it results from the negligence of Show Me PR or breach of contract. Please note that during particular events and on certain activities it may be necessary to request individuals to sign a liability waiver on the day of the event (although the same does not purport to exclude liability for damage to personal property of the Clients employees or staff or property damage caused to the Clients property or personal injury arising as a result of the negligence of Show Me PR), in which instances Show Me PR agrees to indemnify and hold the Client harmless against all such claims. Show Me PR shall provide Special Event Liability Insurance to cover $1 million per each claim.
  5. Force Majeure
    Show Me PR shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God or arising from or related to directly or indirectly from volcanic ash, earthquakes, strikes, lockouts, accidents, war, fire, breakdown of plant or machinery, and Show Me PR shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of its obligations.
  6. Severance
    If any term or provision of these Terms and Conditions is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect as if these Terms and Conditions had been agreed with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.
  7. Governing Law
    These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the State of Missouri and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Missouri courts.
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